Friday, May 10, 2019

Pooker's Wedding

The young woman is a woman of grace and beauty. She beholds the love of God and reflects it all she does. As her mother I could not be more proud. I am confidant that where she is today is just a glimpse into all that God is calling her to be. She has chosen a husband based on Godly principles and I am confidant that she has made the choice that is best for her. 

This young lady is a reflection of all the love that her family has poured into her throughout her life. Hearing her heart beat for the first time made my heart leap with joy. That is same feeling I have now as I watch that same child enter into the sacrament of marriage. I am so happy for her. I am most thankful knowing that I will not loose this child, instead she has brought to us another person to welcome into our home and to love as if he was one of us. 

To me this is a picture that represents so much. J is leading his daughter to the alter, to the sacrament, to Christ. He is such a good and loving dad. I know that this misrepresentative of all that it has meant to be dad. He wasn't giving her away as much as he was guiding her to her future where someone else would work to guide her to Christ. J and the rest of us will still be behind her, encouraging her into that life with Christ. 

Today was a great day for mom and dad. We are so proud of our family. We are proud of this event. Pooker has done a beautiful job with her hubby and her sister planning and putting this day together. Every one of the Texas T family members have worked hard to make today happen.
Welcome to the family JavaJava. "WE  ARE  THE  FAMILY!!!!" was our go to cheer years ago before we would leave for some big event that required us all to be involved in. We did not say that cheer today but we could have, it was true.

From this great family, a new family has been formed. We are so excited to see where God leads this couple.
  Congratulations Pooker and JavaJava. 

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