Sunday, February 24, 2019

Today I turned 50

I got to say that I spent most of the day a little worried that a surprise party would happen. I have been nervous about that for a few weeks. My 30th and my 40th both came with "surprise" parties. 

I knew about both of them in advance and that is a good thing. I don't like surprises. It takes me a while to adjust to that idea. I acted surprised both times but if I had truly been surprised I would have cursed someone out and walked away.  So big birthdays have me a little nervous. 

I wanted a simple day. I am not ashamed of being 50. I am not even upset by it. I just don't want to make a big deal out of it. My kiddos took very good care of me to let me know I was loved. These two (Sugar and Possible) ordered lunch and brought it home. The best idea yet. I got to celebrate and eat yummy food but didn't need to leave the house. 

I love this kind of surprise. I don't have to cook and yummy lunch is provided. I love Olive Garden and we all got to sit down to a wonderful meal.  J get into town half way through the day, but the kids made sure that the first half of the day made me feel special.

We then headed out to a later Mass. After Mass The kids wanted to surprise me with a family party. J just had those closest to me join us at Steak N Shake. Again yummy food and I was surrounded by my many of my favorite people.

Thank you everyone for helping me to feel so special on my big day!  Thank yo also for keeping things simple. I was very thankful to get to spend most of the day wrapped up in a blanket cuddling the little ones.

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