Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Ran Into Mrs. W

When we moved to Texas this lady was one of my closest friends. We grew apart over the years with so much distance between us. She was on my heart and after praying for her and her family I reached out. We had lunch that turned into a day event as we talked, talked and talked some more. I was so happy to learn about her hubby and kiddos. I was sad to learnt hat they planned to move to upstate NewYork in May. Our friendships was rekindled so that we can now be long distance friends once again. That is a good thing.

Thank you God fro friends like Judy. We can live worlds apart and not talk for years but then see each other and remember that our friendship honored God. Because of that we will be forever friends. God bless the W family on their move and I can't wait to catchup with her again.

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