Saturday, December 29, 2018

Wedding Shower

J and I were very excited about the gifts we got them. Remembering that "games" was the theme. I think that they appreciated our thoughts.

The triplets, as they are referred to in Mimi's house.  These three are the best. They are fun, happy and truly enjoy being together. 

The theme of the shower was "games". When you arrived you were supposed to make your game piece and then use it to play the games around the room. It is aways fun see how creative people can be.  Here are some of the players.
 This was such a cute idea.
Because a professional photographer was joining us to take Mimi's family pictures, Pooker and JavaJava got some pictures of all their guests. We learned that my sister DeeDee from California and her girls will probably not be back for the wedding so this was wonderful having the opportunity to capture these pictures.

Taken by Lawing Photography LLC

KeeKee and her family.
Taken by Lawing Photography LLC
DeeDee and her family.
Taken by Lawing Photography LLC
Cousin Pat and her daughter.
Taken by Lawing Photography LLC
 Cousin Bill and wife.
Taken by Lawing Photography LLC
 Cousin Cathy and her crowd.
Taken by Lawing Photography LLC
 Our dear Miss Brenda.
Taken by Lawing Photography LLC

Taken by Lawing Photography LLC
 This was the entire group at her shower.
Taken by Lawing Photography LLC
Congratulations to Pooker and JavaJava. Know that all these people love you and offer their support for you and your marriage!

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