Wednesday, December 26, 2018

To Family

This was a small meal that J and I planned with just us. We wanted to celebrate having all of our family together with a little peaceful dinner. We won't all be under the same roof until the wedding and then our family will be forever different. J and I want to take the time to be thankful for each of these people. We are thankful that they are under our roof for a few days. We are thankful that we all love each other and enjoy each others company. We are thankful for where we have been. We are thankful for all that we accomplishment and made it through in 2018. We are thankful for where we are headed.

 All This And Heaven, God is just too good.

It might not feel that way at times, especially when the mind is cluttered with worry about finances, health or logistics. My kid even think that I worry too much and I m sure that they are correct. I have learned that even when I am stressed I can grab a picture like these of the wonderful people in my life and see all that I am forever grateful for. These people are helping me get to heaven and I hope I am doing the same for them. 

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