Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Christmas Morning

All Lined up and ready to go. Dad would now call them one by one to the living room. It is these silly little traditions that make it such a fun morning.

These pictures of the twins look like the rest of them but they are actually very special. These pictures  hold the summary of family for all of us that watched these gifts be unopened. The love that we watched Twin Adorable show to Twin Beautiful made our Christmas.

You see about one month before Christmas the twins decided that they loved "Paw Patrol" instead of "My Little Pony" which they had loved exclusively for months. This bothered the rest of us because we all thought that "Paw Patrol" was for younger kiddos and that they were too mature for them. In fact when they asked what they wanted for Christmas each of them responded so simply saying, "anything Paw Patrol, anything." We struggled with that. We all felt they would grow out the phase in another week or so.

Two book programs were part of their gifts. They were purchased and wrapped without knowing who was getting which one specifically.  One book set was a Disney set that included 6 books with various characters including  "Sophia the First" and old favorite and a few others. The other 6 book set were various "Paw Patrol" books. We knew that the girls would share all the books so who got which one did not matter, or so Santa thought. Then Twin Beautiful opened the first set and it was the Disney one. She tried very hard to look happy, but we all saw the complete sadness on her face. Then fear hit me, I knew that Twin Adorable was about to open a Paw Patrol set. The room got very tense. Would Adorable be mean and hold it over Beautiful? Would Beautiful be so jealous that a fight would break out? As Twin Adorable pulled back the wrapping paper and saw Paw Patrol both she and her twin smiled. They were both excited about the Paw Patrol books. Beautiful looked at Adorable and tried to not cry when she looked back her set.
Then Twin Adorable did something amazing, while the rest of the room was silent. None of knew how to make Beautiful feel better. I think we were all holding our breathe when we were all amazed at Twin Adorable's love, "Hey Gop-Ka, would you be happy if we traded?"  Then they traded and everyone else in the room cried. These two find ways to make each others life better. They are wonderful! The showed each of us the meaning of Christmas in that moment. We all knew it and we paused as we took it in.

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