Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve

I love it when all my babies are under one roof. I love how safe I feel when I can put eyes on all those people I pray for every day. It happened less and less as they get older. I don't know how J and I will adapt to those changes but I do know that I feel closer to heaven in moments like this. That is what tonight is about, right? The possibility of heaven is only ours because a God entered the world as a baby.

So much love as we share stories and love on each other. 
The food is another fun part of the night. This year is felt very unorganized but our bellies were still full.
And the kids began their gift sharing with Bear passing out the gifts.

JavaJava is rocking his pip.

Bagel found this shirt for Goobers and it could not be more perfect.

The gifts are flying.

JavaJava is a very good gift giver. . . Dad was shocked when he opened a few bottles of wine that had been shipped to our house. It was Jon Bon Jovi's wine, Diving Into Hampton Waters. Well done JavaJava. 

I am always amazed during this time. The kids give of themselves and receive from each other in a way that embodies the entire season.

Pooker and Goobers gave their traditional PJ's and we all got comfy very fast.
The twins love having their Bear around to hug.

Some cute men right there. 
These two make such an adorable couple. Next year at this time they will be married. It was a special Christmas as an engaged couple building a future together. 
My gift from JavaJava did not show up for a few more days but I did want to share it here. An ornament engraved with "All This, Heaven and JavaJava too" I love how much this young man fits into our family. 
Yep, this is a slice of Heaven.  All This And Heaven!!!

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