Saturday, September 15, 2018

Parents Weekend With Bear

Something wonderful happened Today. J and I got to see Bear in his clerics for the first time. He has dressed for occasions and for school all the time. We have never been around, only saw it in pictures. There was something powerful for J and I seeing him dressed for the job that he feels called to.

The stain glass windows in this chapel are so beautiful. J and I were both moved by the experience.  I can't wait for all of Bear's siblings to see him dressed in clerics.

St. John Vianney seminary is full of faithful, intelligent and joyful young men all desiring to serve the church. We saw so much hope for the Catholic Church in each of these seminarians, especially the crowd from the Oklahoma City Diocese. They honored us by allowing us to take them to lunch early in the day to meet them and get to know Bear's peers. Later than night they went with for ice cream. 

We heard someone pull their kid back from the boys and say something about needing to be careful around priest because they liked to hurt little boys. It hurt so much when we heard that directed toward these strong young men of faith but we also because I understood why the parent said it. The news had been full of bad reports all day.  God Bless our church and the good news is that these young men will change it for the better.

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