Sunday, August 19, 2018

Bears Heads to Seminary

Bear wrote this on Facebook before signing off . . .
"Tomorrow I head to Denver to start my first year of seminary! This year is a spirituality year, where we focus on prayer and our relationship with the Lord! We get to do a media fast for the year so I won't have any forms of media. Please keep me in your prayers, as I start this part of my formation."

None of these are pictures of the event, I don't have any.  Bear left from his other home at the parish in Oklahoma. He is headed to St. John Vianney in Denver, CO.  At least he is headed to a beautiful place.

Taken from Facebook taken from St. Charles Borromeo
on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8-15-2018

WE can see that he looks great dressed in blacks, so we can't wait to see what his future holds.  Please pray for him.
Taken from Facebook 6-3-18
Matthew Duff, Stephen Jones, Bear

(This is a stock picture of the special building where the SY guys stay.)
He will spend his first year in what they call a Spiritually Year.  The men are to get rid of social media and phones. We can reach Bear in an emery through the school.

I just say that we are more upset about loosing contact with him than anything else.  It was very hard for our group text of "Family of Cool Kids!" We miss our constant communication with him.  This feels like a punishment for us. It isn't, but it feels that way!  God Bless these young men and their families.

We are praying for all in this place and hope that Bear fits in, is safe and enjoys the path that God has put before him. 

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