Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Archbishop's Dinner

Apparently the diocese of Oklahoma City has a huge fundraiser and formal dinner to honor the seminarians, their families and their financial supporters. J and I found out about this event after the fact. We look forward to going invited next year, Bear didn't realize it was a big deal.  This is one of those situations in which it hurts that we are not in the same diocese. We just are out of the loop! All the pictures look like it was a wonderful evening. We can't wait until next year and sincerely thank our friends in the Bodman and the Duff families. They made sure Bear was not all alone. 

Archbishop Paul Coakley
Picture taken from Facebook
With Stephen Jones
Taken from Facebook

Taken from Facebook
With Michael A. Scaperlanda 

Taken from Rob Duff Facebook Page

Taken from Betty Bodman's Facebook
Taken from Facebook
Seminarians singing "Salve Regina"

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