Friday, July 27, 2018

Visiting/Meeting a Blog Friend

Years ago I met a family through blogging. I was trying to distract myself from the fear of having the high risk pregnancy of the twins and I was connected to a family blog that was asking for prayers through their own family blog. In praying for each other, both of our families "knew" each other. JamieJo is a beautiful writer and I love her family, through her writing and after today through meeting them. Check out her beautiful family at her blog, Lord, Make Me A Saint. I know you will love them like I do.
I felt so honored that you spent your day with us, especially on such short notice. You all are more beautiful in person. You we so welcoming. I only wish I could have met the rest of the crowd. I first met you through a prayer request years ago through our blogs. We have prayed for each other’s ups and downs for 6 years. I think that is a taste of the communion of saints. We left your home so full of joy and love. It was wonderful meeting you in person. Love you my dear friend. Thank you so much for today!!!!

JamieJo said this,
"SO, this happened today!! I finally got to meet the lovely Neen and her beautiful twin girls! It was definately not enough time, we could have talked forever! It felt exactly like I knew it would, like being with an old friend, only even better. SO wonderful to look into her beautiful blue eyes and cry and laugh and just be together! I feel so happy and blessed she would include me in her Minnesota trip! I love you Need!"

God is so good!

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