Thursday, July 5, 2018

Poor Bagel

As it turns out the deck of this rental is in very bad shape.  We didn't know this until Possible and Bagel fell as one of the banisters collapsed. They dropped 6 feet onto Pickle. Thankfully everyone lived but Bagel didn't come out unscathed. Welcome to St. Louis and the emergency room. . . 

The results are in and she has a broken wrists. There are a few breaks and one is at the growth plate. After working so hard to unload the trucks this poor kids will not swim the rest of the summer, she will need 2 surgeries and is looking forward to a few months of healing.
Friends are always so good as sending some love from far away.  Thank you the Fraser family.
Now we have to find our medicine and take care of this precious girl.  Our dishes didn't break but our daughter did.

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