Saturday, July 21, 2018

May God Bless This Engagement

Let's Taco 'Bout A Wedding

Pooker had this to say, 

"I guess he likes me. We’re so excited! Thank you to my family who helped make last night so special! Java Java you’re the best. I’m beyond overjoyed to continue growing with you!" 💙

This one is my favorite!


 I’m so excited for these two!!! Pooker is literally the best older sister in the world! She always takes care of everyone and has helped all of us grow into the people that we are today! She is an amazing woman and will be a great wife!!! JavaJava is one of few people who have not had to take a “break or step back” because there were so many of us, he never got overwhelmed, He came into our family and fits right in! He is one of the best, and I can’t wait for him to be our brother in law!! Both of them are a great example of what a good faithful, loving relationships is!! I can’t wait to see what God has planned for them!! 💍"

"I don't know if other women go though this thought process, but changing my last name has always been something that would hurt my heart when thinking about the possibility of marriage. I love my family, my name and our heritage. I love and respect how hard my parents and grandparents worked to instill good values in each little T they had. It's a great last name! I love and have always loved being a T, especially in St. Louis
When I met A and then his parents and began to meet each sibling I knew I would be ok taking his name. It was one of those things that was on my heart, that I didn't know would confirm things for me, but it did.  
This picture captures that for me. It hurts my heart a little bit, but reminds me of the amazing family I come from and the reality of two becoming one. I know we're hard to grasp for a lot of you. Our family isn't your standard family by any measure and I had a lot of people question why Austin included my siblings and parents in our engagement. Y'all, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Honesty, having them there was my only desire. I wouldn't be who I am without each sibling and my parents and that's who he's in love with.  
Yes, we're absolutely in love and enjoy our time alone together. We also really enjoy sharing our love with our families and I treasure that about both of us so much. Mom and Dad, thanks for sharing your name for so long. A, I can't wait to take yours even if you don’t have a park." 😘""  

For a few hours this is all that Pooker posted on Facebook about her engagement.  I love how she choose to tell people!
"JavaJava and I got some help from Twin Beautiful to share some news..."

We are beyond happy for Pooker and JavaJava. May God Bless their engagement and may they always remember that the first goal of this relationship is to bring each other to Christ.

JavaJava let us know what was going to happen. He knew that Pooker wanted her family there when he proposed. She didn't know it was coming. Java knows how much Pooker loves tacos. Really it is one of her favorite foods (some will remember her sweet sixteen party). We got several packs of tacos in preparation for these two to drive into town and meet us at the T park. He proposed with a "TACO ring" and that is why she looks upset in a few pictures. She thought he might be teasing her. Then she realized how serious things were and was over joyed in saying yes. We were so thankful that we were allowed to celebrate in the asking. 

Pooker and JavaJava are engaged! All For You O Lord!  . . . and everything they do is for HIM. 

Join us in praying for this beautiful young couple preparing for the sacrament of marriage.  

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