Monday, July 16, 2018

Kids back in TX

The bigger kids had all kinds of fun while in TX.

They took a paper version of Bagel with them every where.

They got What-A Burger before leaving TX and then sending pictures to make us hungry.

Sugar had this to say about their adventure:
"So much fun helping with edge camp the past few days! “You know they are done with their lucky charm when there is no marshmallows in it”- Mark from STAOP. Thanks for letting us crash at your apartment Pooker and Goobers y’all are the best, and we all miss you in STL!  JavaJava, thanks for help Kayla and I drowned Dani;) and for making the best hotdog! Thanks Fraser family for feeding us, sorry if we where acting a little goofy đŸ˜‰! Also thanks to the gable family for everything you did for us! And for letting us kidnap Chris!"

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