Friday, September 1, 2017

Happy 21st Sugar

Sugar's birthday should be a national holiday.  She always makes sure that everyone else is celebrate. The hurricane changed that plan but she is the most beautiful 21 year old I know.  

"I've been remiss and I apologize to my dear sister. Sugar turned 21 last weekend and sadly we now lost our Designated Driver  đŸ˜‰ We're so excited to add Sugar to our margarita dinners and wine nights. She is one incredible woman who literally faces her mortality on a regular basis. She lives her life to the fullest and helps others do the same. She is the greatest, most selfless friend you will have. She works taking care of others and comes home to be one of the best big sisters those kids have had. Sugar has an ability to analyze people quickly and know what they need . She loves trough faults while helping you strive for more. She challenges herself without sacrificing fun times. She rarely lets things stress her out and her constant ability to stay calm and have a good time is something I admire greatly in her. Thanks for helping us enjoy life more. You've been nonstop fun since you were born. I thank God for the gift of you daily. Happy 21st year, Super sexy sexer bean! "
No way,  is she now 21 years old.  We did run out and grab a beer with our favorite 21 year old.  Sugar is so smart and fun to be around.  I know that the world is a better place because she is in it.  Happy birthday SUGAR!

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