Saturday, September 2, 2017

Everyone Does There Part

There were so many people without electricity.  What could we do to make life a little better.  Goobers HEB had extra ice that was ordered before the storm.  They gave much to those in need.  HEB is so generous.  When they found out about the huge facilities at St. Anthony of Padua's St Theresa of Calcutta's food bank they gave us 2 pallets of bagged ice.  t just had to get there.  We made several trips.  The ice was then stored at STAOP and give out with the food.  The hurricane has created so much need.  I love how people step up.

We didn't do anything big or grand, we just did our part.  If everyone does their part then the world is a better place.  My kids are teaching me that every day!
We love that we can have a big family meal at the end of the day.

As I sat and had this small drink I gave thanks for all that God has blessed us with.  We have each other, we have our health and our home.  We have food and nice air conditioning to be comfortable in.  Dad's job was in tact so money was not our concern.  WE are so blessed to be able to sit and ponder who we could help next and how we could do it.

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