Thursday, September 14, 2017

Bye-Bye Shark Tooth

This poor kid,  He got the short end of the stick when it comes to teeth.  He has the two front teeth on each side of an extra tooth in the middle.  The dentist decided to just take it out.  
Turns out that was an odd shaped bad extra tooth.  Look how long that puppy was.  Poor kid.  It was really messing up his other teeth.  The doctor didn't think it was quit that long but now we are glad it is out and over with.  Jumba will not have to be self conscious about his big tooth anymore. I don't remember why but the kids names it a "shark tooth" years ago and looking at after it was pulled, I think that was a really good name for it.  The other teeth that were pulled are much shorter.
Pooker brought over "feel better" supplies.  She is such a good sister.  This poor kiddo.  The tooth was much bigger than we thought.  It left quit a hole in his mouth.  I will address all those that see the straw and worry.  We made him use a spoon so no straw was utilized after having tooth pulled, I promise.
The dentist thinks that the other teeth might just naturally pull into the right place and one together after that tooth was taken out of the way.  Time will tell.  I know it sounds silly but that extra odd tooth was so much a part of his identity that I miss the way he used to look.  Still handsome and I am sure I will soon forget.

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