Sunday, May 1, 2016

The Artist Formerly Known As Billy And The Musical He Wrote

This was an adorable musical that shared many of the trials and  joys of being a corps member at Texas A&M.  The author and director is from our dear family friends the B Family.  He is their oldest.  I am just so proud of this young man.  He changed the words to several musicals around a cute little story to create a classy tribute to the corps.  He is now a senior, and this was a fun way to share poke a little fun at all the antics the Corps at A&M provide.  We took most of the family to see the show and it was worth every second of the drive.  Way to go "Billy", you did a fabulous job and we could not be prouder.

We had to go.

(One of his friends grabbed this shot, we were too far away to get a clear picture.  You can see my attempt in the top picture.)

The cast did a fantastic job for the two performances that were both sold out.  That was very impressive.  Considering we didn't go to A&M there were a few "inside jokes and traditions" that caught us unaware - like the ending.

His family was super proud of him.

So were we.  J and the twins had gone off to retrieve the car but we all posed for a picture.  It was so cool, we know him.

The picture above and below are my favorite from the day.  Sibling stuff, gets me every time.

One proud momma.

Sugar and the twins were off getting the car and Bear and Pickle were back in Houston - but the picture below does contain many of my favorite young people!!
This is a great picture and the guy on the bike made it in the shot.  He was worried we missed him.  LOL.

After the play we headed to Laynes to get some chicken.

It is in a college town so it was a good deal, but a bit heavy.  Again we thank Billy for the experience.

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