Sunday, September 13, 2015

Welcome Freshmen to LifeTeen

 LifeTeen is ready to start for the 2015-2016 school year.  They decided that because our group is so large that we should have a Welcome Night just for the incoming Freshmen.  I think this was a great idea.  I have been assigned a Freshmen group again this year so that meant Pickle and I were off for a night in the Youth Room.

 Jonathen welcomed everyone.
 Pickle was ready to make new friends and enjoy himself.  Possible came to help out.
 Ice Cream socials are always fun.
 I have been blessed with this crazy group of kids, here are a few of them goofing off.
 The pool table is always a fun place to play.
I was very proud of Possible.  She offered advice to the incoming Freshmen telling them to trust the adults at LifeTeen.  I am always amazed that this kid has no problem getting up and talking in front of people.  Way to go girl!

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