Saturday, September 19, 2015

Say A Prayer

The twins were excellent during the baptism.  J wanted me home right away so the older kids went to the reception but the twins and I headed home.  First we stopped at Taco Bell.  The babies LOVE bean burritos.  While we were sitting there eating (this can a very long process for a three year old) the twins told me a story.  Apparently there are color monsters out there who eat people.  You can only fight them if you are wearing the right color.  We were deep in conversation about this when I glanced out at the van only to see a man taking pictures of the back of it.  He looked like he was having an argument with the van.  I grew a little concerned and just watched.  He eventually got into his car and drove away.  When we got to the car I examined it to make sure there had been no trouble.  

(Click here to fins some really cool Pr0-life bumper stickers that are actually car magnets.  They don't ruin the car but do get the message out.  Visit Pro-Life Bumper . com)
So I am pretty sure that it was this bumper magnet that was freaking him out.  He took several pictures of it.  So I just ask that you join me in praying for the man.

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