Saturday, September 19, 2015

Pro-Life 5K

Here they go again!  These kids are out there in the world making a difference every day.  They do make me proud to be their mom.  I know that I am very blessed that my children have gone to a community college to start their careers.  It has meant that I have been able to witness that growth from teen to adult first hand.  These kiddos woke up early on Saturday morning to run.  
Montgomery Right to Life picture
Montgomery County Right to Life (FaceBook Page)
"Lone Star Right to Life students and friends are ready to race in the New Life Fitness Center's 5k Run to raise funds for the Tomball Fitness Center which has already begun! The various races will continue through 10:30.
We have partnered with New Life to sponsor this run and are hosting a booth at the event. Teresa said she is already having some great conversations at our booth and would love to see you there this morning. Local children are having a great time making posters to enter in our poster contest too. You can submit your children's entries there as well!
It's not too late drop by and cheer our Dr. Joseph Graham Fellows and pro-life students at the finish line! Way to go guys!"
Back at the college campus in Montgomery, Bear, Goobers, and Sugar are doing good things with the rest of the group.  They are working hard to teach their peers the truth.  Here is a link to article about the run and one includes a picture of their club meeting.  
Montgomery Right to Life picture

Montgomery Right to Life picture
Montgomery Right to Life isn't the only one that is proud of these kiddos.  We are super proud as their parents and it is so exciting that there is a group out there backing them, especially in this cause.
Montgomery Right to Life picture
Way to go guys.  You ran well, you finished and most of all you did it for the right reasons!

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