Sunday, August 30, 2015

Core Team Retreat

LifeTeen at STAOP always tries to start by feeding the spiritual side of the core members.  Many of these adults have been on core for years.  The retreat was not something I could go to with the little ones at home but Bear and Sugar went.  As usual Bear left early to help set it all up.  Some photos were posted on the Youth Ministry website.  I just love how much the faith that J and I presented to our kids has become their own and not ours for them.

This was posted on the STAOP Youth Ministry Facebook page with this quote:
"Meanwhile, while BEAR shows off his muscles... Core Team Retreat for Life Teen, EDGE, and Confirmation is starting in 30 minutes! TEENS: WE NEED YOU! If you could offer an Our Father, Hail Mary, or Glory Be praying for your adult leaders for the 2015-2016 year right now that would be awesome. Like and comment below with the prayer you offered so the Core Team knows you're praying for them! ‪#‎glorify"‬

I just love that while the adults are praying for a good year the teens are included and asked to pray for the adults.  Isn't that the way it should be?!?

Then came this picture late into the night with this quote:
"Closing the Core Team Retreat tonight spending time with Jesus in Adoration. Teens thank you for the prayers today! We prayed for YOU! ‪#‎glorify‬"

I suspect Sugar and Bear's favorite part was hanging out with this little cutie.

.  .  . and here they are the Core Teams for Edge, LifeTeen and Confirmation 2015-1016.  thanks to each of you for your devotion to the youth of our parish.

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