Friday, July 17, 2015

Picture Time

Mimi's big birthday wish was to have all her grandkids together for a picture.  We made that happen.  Happy birthday Mimi.

Twin Adorable on the right - Twin Beautiful on the left
Twin Adorable was not happy at all.  We were not sure why but the photographer needed to leave so we just took the shots anyway.  They turned out ok.  At least the snap shots I took with my phone turned out ok.  I hope Mimi got what she wanted.

Silly pick:

Lining up this crowd wasn't as hard as it looks.  Honestly the T family kids are used to posing for pictures, as we do it all the time.  The photographer lined them up by age.  As you can see, out of my four siblings, I have the oldest grandkids and youngest grandkids, I even have more than all three of siblings offsprings put together. DeeDee 4, KeeKee 2 and Jo-Fish 2 = only 8 (really they are all underachievers.)
Dee-Dee, my sister in California and the next oldest after me; she has four daughters and they were wearing pink or black (or pink hair.)
Then comes the next sister, KeeKee who lives next door to Mimi.  Her son and Daughter have white on (T has a White shirt and tie and E has a white sweater over a blue dress).
Last in our family line was my brother Jo-Fish and he is the baby of the family.   His two are between the Twins and Jumba.

If I was taking the shots I would have staged it a couple of different ways but the photographer was short on time and I was wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.  It was hot and I was still very hurt by the family.  I was accused of not loving my mom, and even "Not being nice to her on her birthday."  I laughed at that one.  (Who drove 800 miles for this darn picture?!  Who showed up  anyway after being hurt and insulted?  Who came even though the time was changed and was not even notified?  Oh that's right the one who actually drove 800 miles, dressed 11 kids, and came in the face of adversity is the mean one.)  Love family drama.  The D family has a lot of it apparently.  None of that stopped some cute pictures though!

We came all this way for the pictures and then Mimi didn't want to be in it.  I was so happy that Goobers and Pooker pushed her to join in the pictures because the kids will treasure these shots.

Aunt Joan, Uncle Marc and Mimi agreed to get together for one shot.  
After that we scooted off to dinner and then to Ted Drews.  Hello St. Louis Favorites!!!!

Those two are going to need a hair wash.
Twin Beautiful in on Bear's shoulders and Twin Adorable is on Goober's Shoulders.
it is always hard to say goodbye.  Especially when perched up high on the their sibling's shoulders.
They all love Fr. Tom.
Thanks toe everyone that made this a great visit.

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