Saturday, July 18, 2015

One (More) Last Day In the Lou

We felt like it was best if we didn't leave as planned after Sugar had that reaction.  She can sometimes have a reaction to the medicine within the next twenty four hour period. Pooker, Goobers, Sugar and Possible were planning on staying a few more days.  It was hard for me to stay at this point I was so upset at the D family drama that I was exhausted and wanted to get home.  God allowed us to have a great last day in St. louis.  

Nanny and Gramps have these little cement bunnies that they collected on a family vacation years ago.  The story is that they earned the bunnies while wining tickets during skeet ball, and they got enough bunnies to represent each of their five children.
When the twins were told that the bunnies were daddy, and Aunt Nikki, Uncle Brent, Uncle Ross and Aunt Erica with Nanny and Gramps as the mommy and daddy, they fell in love.  They must have talked to those cement bunnies for hours and kissed each one over and over again.

After cleaning up our bunny love mess, we headed to our favorite Steak N Shake.  This took longer than we hoped.  We were so discouraged that we missed Saturday evening anticipated Mass.

Our favorite priest came to the rescue.

After which we needed food again but Sugar was crashing from the medicines and we had to avoid most places because of her allergy.  

Taco Bell parking lot provided the space for us to talk, eat and play.

Staying behind one more day was a blessing in disguise.  J and I got to visit with a dear friend of J's family that is dying after a battle with Pancreatic Cancer.  Please pray for Mr. B.  We are so thankful that we had a beautiful visit with him.  We also got to see Fr. Keller again and have Mass together.  We got to eat Steak and Shake.  The best part is that J and I got to bring a little of St. Louis back to Houston with us.  YUMMY!

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