Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Twin 3 Year Birthday

Oh my goodness these two are so cute and so much fun.  I can't believe that they are now 3 years old. nanny and Gramps sent them these outfits.  At first they were sad because they were not pink or purple, then they tried them on.  They two fell in love with the outfits and then danced around as happy as could be.  They LOVE their birthday outfits, so thank you Nanny and Gramps.
Beautiful - Adorable
We have all enjoyed watching these two grow as siblings.  They love all of us so much, and they giggle and clap when we wake up in the morning.  I remember feeling so overwhelmed with the idea of another child, and then blown away that over the age of 40 I was having two more babies.  Thank God for not listening to mom but to all the prayers of more babies and twins from the rest of the family.  I find it hard to believe that two people could be loved as much as they are or could give love as much as they do.  We all see God in them at all turns with these two.
Adorable - Beautiful

Beautiful - Adorable

Beautiful - Adorable

Beautiful - Adorable
I can't pick just one of these pictures because each one shows a very different aspect of their personality or their relationship.
Beautiful - Adorable

Beautiful - Adorable
This is an awesome twin relationship.  One loves purple and the other loves pink but they both want both colors in everything they do.  I love that.  They adore each other.  The big kids spent hours and money creating a party room.  We all knew that we could not really celebrate the birthday until the next day but the kids wanted the twins to have something special on their actual birthday.  They blew up hundreds of balloons.  

Adorable - Beautiful

Adorable - Beautiful


Beautiful - Adorable
It worked and they had a blast.
Beautiful - Adorable
We went to bed with the promise that tomorrow would be filled with more birthday fun but today was wonderful and Pooker came by with hugs and kisses and candy and then Goobers stopped by also.  LOVE times two, nothing is better than that.

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