Sunday, May 3, 2015

Come Holy Spirit! Possible is ready!

We were so happy to join Possible on this latest step in her faith journey.  She studied hard learning as much as she could about our Catholic Faith.  She has always embraced her faith and this was a huge step for her.  It was such a special day!
Sugar and Bear were almost as proud of Possible as Dad and Mom.
I love it when sister are also the best of friends.
Congratulations Possible, You were absolutely glowing on this special day.
Some of her class mates.

Possible picked Pooker as her Confirmation sponsor and I couldn't have picked a better sponsor for her.  They are both so beautiful.
Possible's dearest friend Marissa had already been Confirmed but she felt that she would grow closer to her friends and her faith if she went through this program with her STAOP peers.  She asked Sugar to stand up for her during her Blessing.
Possible and Pooker with Daniel Nicholas Cardinal DiNardo of Galveston-Houston.

Miss JG was Possible's teacher.
Mrs. W made sure that she and her family was there to share the day with us.
Goobers and Adorable being goofy.
Sugar and Marissa with the Cardinal.

Nanny and Gramps made sure to join us for this event.  Possible is so blessed to have so many family members with her to celebrate.
Possible makes us to proud every day, today she was shinning.
The whole clan.
The friends from the B family.
These two are just beautiful.
The certificate makes it real!

This day could not have been better.  Congratualtions Possible.  

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