Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A Great Day!!! Actually An Almost Perfect Day For Mom.

The only thing missing was J, who was out of town on business.  I took the kiddos to their swim team practice with the new team.  It was only their 4th practice so they were all still a little nervous.  Sugar went with us to keep her eye on how this team worked.  After about 20 minutes Pooker showed up to offer her support to her siblings.  Then even Goobers came over to watch, even though she is still coaching the other team.  She had the day off and wanted to support the younger ones.  We miss those two so much since they moved out and this semester has been hard on everyone.  The girls have had little time to visit, so this was a real treat.  They asked if we could order pizza and have a movie night.  We did and had a blast.  It was an unplanned but perfect family afternoon and evening.  No expectations, just time to watch all my kids love on each other, praise each other, support each other and laugh together. Nothing else makes a mom's heart happier.

This picture sums up how cool today was to me.  Only one twin in picture but these two made a friend and were playing near me.  At the table checking iPhones and watching the practice while talking and hearing Jumba's take on his practice sat Sugar, Pooker and Goobers.  Coach Bear stood directing his other siblings in their practices.  The others are on the blocks waiting to take off. 
In life we are all doing different things and interacting with other people; yet we are one family that still enjoy being together and have learned to celebrate the little things in life even swim practice.  

Dear heavenly Father, Thank you for this crazy life.  Thank you for these wonderful people.  I know that it won't always be like this but I want you to know that I do appreciate these moments, these wonderful unplanned moments where we see your love in our family.              Thank you - just thank you!

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