Thursday, July 19, 2012

Two Months Old - Already

Happy Two Months Ladies!  We have passed some major milestones.  You passed your due date on the 9th, you passed your 8 weeks and now you have passed the 2 month mark.  I don't know how much they weigh.  I have been too busy nursing, feeding, changing, feeding a bottle, then nursing again and stopping them from being "loved to death" that I haven't gotten them back into the doctor yet.  

I thought I would be really good at marking it, like my girlfriend does on her blog.  At least I really wanted to be like Valerie.  She makes a cute sign and then puts it next to them and takes a picture.  I thought of that the day after they were one month and then thought of it at 11:45 pm this time.  I threw them together to get a quick shot, even though Beautiful was screaming.  I realized I had them in the wrong order so I switched them.  This just upset both of them.  Oh well.   Look at Val's adorable son and picture and then you can really laugh at my last minute, cell phone shot of two crying babies.  Happy two months Adorable and Beautiful! 

Beautiful - Adorable

Beautiful - Adorable

Adorable - Beautiful

Adorable - Beautiful
I know it looks bad but their screams are so precious, they don't bother me that much.  I get so many baby snuggles that it far outweighs those moments of crying.  I am so blessed to have the wisdom that comes with time.  I know this will pass and will pass too quickly.  I used to get upset when I would "complain" about so much work when the four oldest were young.  The veteran moms would just smile and tell me to enjoy.  I didn't get it, but I do now.  The constant crying and lack of sleep are nothing compared to the loss of sleep after a fight with a teenager that can drive away.  I don't say that to scare young moms.  I am sure that there is a great fear and lack of sleep that hits when your grown child calls and shares their own woes with you.  Being a mom is about those moments that take us to prayer.  God knew I would need lots of reasons to fall to my knees and that is why He sent me so many children.  Next time you are awake with a sick or screaming child please know that you are not alone.  Try to enjoy each second or at least be thankful for the time awake to mumble a prayer for that child.

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