Friday, August 12, 2011

Airwolf Magic

A show in the mid 1980's called Airwolf has 80 episodes available on Netflicks.  J liked the story in the 80's and shared it with Pickle, who LOVED it.
Some are not happy that Pickle is so happy about this show, namely Possible.  I love that Pickle and the younger ones, Princess, Bagel and Jumba, like the show as much as they do. 

Pickle has realized that with the very hot weather mom isn't wanting to leave the house at all.  I also don't want to get stuck in  the living room doing the mounds of laundry that our large family produces.  Pickle is smart.

 He started folding while watching.  Magic.  My most loathed chore is done while my son "wastes" time on an old TV show.  I would never take it away from him, he is way too helpful

My only fear is that we are down to 72 shows.  What will I do to get the laundry done after the show is over.  I love that in between loads Pickle and the younger ones have set up their own Airwolf by setting every unused electronic around them in the dinner room.  They pretend to sole cases and fly all over.  I love it.
May you and your kids find your own Airwolf!

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