Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine Play 2-14

What does your family do for Valentine's Day? My hubby always goes out with the boys and gets each girl a special flower. He tells them that their hearts belong to their daddy until they are much much older. I always get some flowers as well. This year I also got some chocolate! Yummy.
The other treat of the day came from the kiddos. Possible planned an entire production with the help of Sugar, Princess and Bagel. They also employed the acting skills of Pickle and Jumba.
We were issued our tickets and snack vouchers earlier in the weekend. We were instructed not to misplace the tickets and we didn't.
Pickle was a secondary actor. He was such a honey but not a lead role.
Here comes the star of my heart but not really of the production. Jumba was the cutest cowboy (boyfriend) of the main character. When he road up on his horse (bike with training wheels) wearing his boots and his hat, my heart melted. What a cutie our little Jumba is!
The audience was ready. Poor Mr. D or lucky depending on how you felt about the production. He is without many younger siblings (Just one sister a few years his junior) so this was probably his first experience watching a show.
Princess was a main character for sure. In the production we discover that she is a homeless girl that befriends Bagel's character.
Sugar and Possible kept this moving. They were there to remind others of their lines and hand on props and such, Possible had minor roles and did a wonderful job.
In this scene Pickle is playing the role of a clothes rack and Possible is a sales clerk. They are so versatile.
The honey of the show was this adorable Cowboy. My heart is still going pitter patter.
He is not afraid to be on the stage and act out his part.
I am thinking that Bear is now worried that Jumba is better actor. We all enjoyed remembering the many plays that the oldest 3 would put on when we lived in St. Louis. The night was spent in giggles as we tried to explain to Mr. D about the play about the weather. Bear cried through the entire thing but their Aunt KeeKee cheered them all on.
Mr. D loved the time with the kiddos and they loved that he enjoyed their acting.

This really was a wonderful way to end a day about love. We were with family and friends and enjoyed some wonderful entertainment. (It wasn't costly either!)

Bravo to my Texas T Valentine Actors. I love each of you more than you will every know.

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