Sunday, February 6, 2011

Heading North (Vacation post 1)

The trip was planned for months. Traveling in January is hard for our family. So close to Christmas this adventure came with it's own expenses. The weather in St. Louis was calling for snow and ice and we were leaving weather in the 60's. After purchasing jeans, pants, long sleeve shirts, sweat shirts, coats and gloves we packed it all up and loaded the trailer. I love going to visit my family and I love my ties in St. Louis. I also love the colder weather. All that being said I dreaded this trip. J reminded me that everything would work out and he was right as always. There was going to be so much going on that I struggled to enjoy this trip.
It was fun to watch the kiddos work together to make it all work. They all helped with all aspects of planning, shopping and packing. My wonderful children also helped me to focus. They reminded me to have a good time. Even while in the car headed north we played in the colder weather, we laughed and we looked forward to the snow that we would see.

Now that would be a scary sight. Goobers, are you really ready to drive?

Two of the boys just waiting to see the snow.

Silly girls, we did miss Pooker though. She stayed behind to start her winter classes. I think that might just be one of the reasons I wasn't too keen on going. No big surprise, Pooker was fine. she had the house clean, worked, went to class and left to join us without issue.

I am still thankful to friends that let us borrow their trailer. Renting one was just going to be too costly but we really needed the room. All that luggage would not have been comfortable in the car with us.

If I was smarter I would remember to enjoy the adventure more and worry about the details less. Thanks to my kiddos and my hubby who remind me of that every day!

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