Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The RenFest

The Texas Renaissance Festival has been an on going local tradition for 35 years.
If you ever watched the Gilmore Girls and got hooked on Luke you would know that his sister ended up working Renfest. They even visited 'visited' Renfest. Basically you get in with an expensive ticket (ours were free - thank you Mr. Larry)and you enter into the Renaissance time period. Everything is created to look like that time period with many people in costume. The rides are simple and time fitting along with most of the entertainment.

The looks are great but the cost is very high. We went to the festival with Kat and Troy Man and their Dad Mr. Larry. All of our kiddos were excited.We really did not do much other than walk around and look at the sites. We enjoyed visiting the vendors and were curious if they really had ATM's back in the day?

The food was greasy carnival food that cost a fortune. The kids had a few bites to eat here and there. We waited until we got home and ate several pizzas.

We waited until the very last day of the festival, so the weather wasn't too warm at all. In fact jeans were perfect.

The old time rides were so much fun. Bagel and Jumba had a blast.

My little riders. So cute!

Jumba was in heaven.

We all enjoyed the jousting contest. They were very staged but still fun to watch.

Another fun show was the mud beggars or something like that.

Goofy men playing in mud.

As you can tell everyone had a blast.

In the end I must say that I had avoided this event for two reasons one being the cost and the other was based on the rumors of inappropriate dress. Yes there some out there costumes but we didn't feel that is a real reason to avoid the festival.

We went the last weekend because the theme was "Celtic Christmas". So here is my crowd. All my kiddos plus a few.

Father Christmas was my favorite part.

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