Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Real Tree vs Artificial

Real Tree verses Artificial and Artificial Wins.

For 2010 we attempted something that we have not tried since the year the living creature came out of the tree. Way back before we even moved to Houston we purchased a live tree. It was one we picked and chopped down ourselves. We brought it home and put it right up thinking nothing of it. When I had taken everything off the tree and was pulling it out of the house something jumped over my hands from inside the tree and ran off into the night. I don't know what it was but it scared me to death. The dogs had never liked that tree and I wonder if there wasn't something small in there the entire 3 weeks it was up in our home. I went out and purchased a nice artificial tree then and there (they were one sale big time because the season was over) and we have used that one until this year.

So many complained to me about wanting a real tree and I kept bringing up the fact that allergies are a big problem in our home. Everyone assured me they would be fine and that I was being silly. Our adventure gave us a beautiful tree with lots of sneezes and itchy skin. Pretty sure we will end up with the artificial tree again but for this season we loved the smell of a real live every green in the house.

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