Sunday, December 19, 2010

Catholic Coffee Club Christmas Party 2010

I must admit that I am very blessed to be able to spend time with this fun group of teens each week. We gather to discuss and share about our faith and it is so very heart warming to me. We have several different personality types in the group, several different learning styles and levels and yet there is respect for every person. I do feel so blessed to be able to sit amongst these young high school aged kiddos and share the truths about our faith while we challenge each other to go deeper. The Christmas party this year was designed to include a white elephant gift exchange. Some gifts were crazy, some fun, some silly and some yummy.
All in all everyone had a blast.

Another school year half over. I am very honored to be with this happy group.

Merry Christmas Mrs. Z, Mrs. W and all you teens! Love each of you!

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