Monday, November 1, 2010

Off Duty Halloween 2010

The discussion about Halloween got a little heated this year. The older kids keep coming up with great plans for costumes and I tried to get them to let the little ones pick their own this year. In the end it worked out because the little ones got pick out of the buckets for the ZooBoo and the neighborhood party and then the family theme was set for Halloween trick or treating.

The preparations were on.

Friends came over to play. Mr. Daniel is Pooker's friend and he is very loved by the little ones.

Kat came early to help with preparations.

Larry and J cooked.

and enjoyed some laughs.
This year's theme was "Off Duty" The girls were Off Duty Princesses and the boys were Off Duty Super Heroes.
The girls had gone so far as to pick out names.
As always they were one happy group as they headed out looking for treats.

These two will be friends for ever.
And so will these two.
The wagon is supposed to be for the little ones when they get tired. In the end the wagon was left behind and everyone walked.
The good news is that we found Bannon Princesses on the road.
Pooker stop feeding Superman's ego.
Kat brother T-man was with us as well.
Goobers and Kat looked so beautiful.

Poor Daniel, all those Princesses around.

The night was wonderful and the weather was warm. We all remembered the year before when Mrs. Linda was with us. We all missed her so much. Halloween was the last time I saw her so the night was a little sad for me. I must point out that in the end the night was very happy. Mr. Larry, T-man and Kat shared their night with us as we all missed their mom. We laughed and rejoiced in time together and in her memory. She would have been happy. Rest in Peace Miss Linda.

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