Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fire Pit Family Time

Possible prepares to go outside to enjoy more family time. She won't let this happen until she shares her new glasses with us.
Fire Pit memories begin. Dad and I were inside while the kiddos set this one themselves. Sugar and Pickle having a stare down.
Bear sitting back enjoying the fire.
They got it started and were very proud of the pit when Dad and I got outside.

Everyone loves family time around the fire. The kids say that they are practicing for our RV time on the road.
Notice all the dirt and grime on these little ones.
Bagel is a wreck, look at all her dirt.
Lots of stories and lots laughing.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this was such a cute post! I laughed out loud at the cute pic from Ratatouille...Linguini does look like...well, Linguini! hehehe!

    Wishing you a beautiful and peace-filled start to the Advent season as you and your beautiful family prepare your hearts for the birth of Christ.



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